Want to work with us?

Do you want to sell our courses?

Would you like to have an Online Course website, but don't have the time and/or skills to do it?

Starting today, we offer the possibility for only a few companies to sell our online courses.

They can be sold in 2 different ways:

- Via Product Key which we supply with stock purchase and which you can resell at any price you want (you redeem the code on our website to unlock the online course)

-  Otherwise, you can buy an entire course with a “resale right” contract where you make a one-off purchase, download the course and can resell it again and again.


Contact us here: docenti@istitutolavoro.net


certificate course
Official Certificate

At the end of each course you will receive a certificate attesting to the completion of the course.

Lessons Available 24 Hours a Day

All the courses present are On Demand, therefore always available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and without a time limit, they will always be at your disposal.

Professional and Expert Teachers

Our courses are created by qualified people and are designed to give you real skills and not just information.

formazione aziendale corsi online

Formazione Aziendale

Troviamo le soluzioni adatte per ogni azienda per dare la formazione giusta ai propri dipendenti.

Studiamo insieme le competenze giuste e il percorso formativo da seguire.